Charles P Murray Middle


Take Flight!


Pick-Up and Drop-Off

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Presentation Explaining Drop-off and Pick-Up with Visuals



  • Buses will drop students off at the front of the building.

  • All car riders will drop off on the side near the 6th and 7th Grade hallways.  All students will enter the front doors of the building. Please do not enter the front parking lot as this is reserved for our buses.


  • Buses will pick up students at the front of the school near the front entrance. A sign letting students know the order of buses and the bus changes for the day will be displayed near the entrance of the school each day at 3:40.

overhead photo with traffic route for pick up drop off

*In order to maintain a safe environment for our bus riders, the Front Entrance and Parking Lot should not be used for morning drop-off or for afternoon pick-up. To maintain the safety of all students during pick-up, please follow the traffic patterns established by the school staff and avoid breaking out of line once your child is in your vehicle.