Charles P Murray Middle


Take Flight!


Murray FAQ

Q:  What time does school start and end?

A:  School will start at 8:25 AM and end at 3:40 PM.  Students should not be dropped off earlier than 8:00 AM.  The building will closed to students promptly at 4:00 PM unless there is after school tutoring or event.   

Q:  Where is student drop-off and pick-up?

A:  Drop-off - Buses will drop students off in the front of the building.  All car riders will drop off on the side near the 6th and 7th Grade hallways. All students will enter through the front doors of the building. Please do not enter the front parking lot. This is reserved for our buses.

Pick-up – Buses will pick up students at the front of the school near the front entrance.  A sign letting students know the order of buses and the bus changes for the day will be displayed near the entrance of the school each day at 3:40.  Car riders will be picked up in the side parking lot near the 6th and 7th grade hallways.  

*In order to maintain a safe environment for our bus riders, the Front Entrance and Parking Lot should not be used for morning drop-off or for afternoon pick-up.  To maintain the safety of all students during pick-up, please follow the traffic patterns established by the school staff and avoid breaking out of line once your child is in your vehicle.  

Q:  What is that latest time I can check out?

A:  Students may be checked out prior to 3:00 PM.  Students will not be checked out of school after 3:00 PM because staff will be securing the school for a safe dismissal at 3:40 PM.  

Q:  What is the daily schedule?

A:  Daily Schedule Page

Q:  How do I know what Bus to ride?

A:  Representatives from the NHCS Transportation Department will be available at Orientation to assist with transportation questions.  Bus Route information is also available online at the New Hanover County Schools website.  

Q:  What is Mastery?

A:  Mastery is an opportunity for students to work on specific learning needs or interests. If needed, students will be supported with academic support in reading and math during this time depending on performance and assessment data.  Depending on this data, students may have the opportunity to creatively extend their learning in areas such as Science Olympiad, Jazz Band, Green Arts, STAE, and others. Mastery course selections will occur during their homeroom the first two weeks of school and are based on need, interest, and availability..  

Q:  Can students leave campus during the day?

A:  No.  Upon arrival at Murray Middle School, students may not leave school grounds until dismissal unless checked out by a parent/guardian.  Any individual picking up a student is required to present ID to the main office staff.  

Q:  What do I do with my excuse note when I am absent?

A:  Excuse notes should be turned into your Home Base teacher the day you return to school.

Q:  What is the Dress Code?

A:  Murray students will follow the NHCS POLICY 4316:

The board requires that student appearance and clothing comply with the following standards.  Enforcement must reasonably accommodate clothing or accessories worn by students as an expression of sincerely held religious beliefs or by students with disabilities.

1. Students must wear clothing that includes both a shirt with pants or a skirt, or the equivalent (for example, a dress or a shirt with shorts), and shoes with a solid sole.

2. Headgear, including hats, hoodies, and caps, are not allowed.

3. Upper clothing must cover the chest, from armpit to armpit, and the torso.  Straps are required.

4. Lower clothing, specifically dresses and skirts, must extend to the mid-thigh.  Shorts or pants must not reveal undergarments or buttocks.  Holes/designs in lower clothing must meet the above criteria.

5. Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building.

6. Clothing and accessories must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities, including activities in physical education courses, science labs, and shop classes, and other activities where unique hazards exist or specialized attire or safety gear is required.

Additionally, students are prohibited from wearing, carrying or displaying any clothing or accessories that:

1. Depict, imply, advertise, or advocate unlawful violence or other illegal conduct, or the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other controlled substances.

2. Display or imply vulgar, lewd, or obscene language or images.  Clothing and accessories may not depict or imply pornography, nudity, or sexual acts. 

3. Endanger student or staff safety.

4. Are prohibited under policy 4328, Gang-Related Activity, or any other provision of the Code of Student Conduct; or

5. Create a substantial disruption of the educational process or operations of the school.

Q:  Can I use my cell phone or other devices at school?

A:  Murray has established an Away for the Day policy.  Students should not use their cell phones during the school day.  More details on our policy can be found in this document

Q:  When are athletic tryouts?  

A:  Fall athletic team tryouts will be the first day of school.  Winter and Spring athletic team tryout dates will be announced throughout the year.  Physical Forms should be turned in and be on file prior to the first day of tryouts for an athletic team.  These must be completed in DragonflyMax.

Q:  How can I (Parent) get involved at Murray Middle School:  

A:  We have a strong PTA at Murray, but it will only continue if you get involved.  Join the PTA!  We also need male adults to be Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students) to volunteer one day each year to read to students, eat lunch with students, patrol the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow and any other assigned activities.  We would also like to start a Heart & Sole group designed to meet the needs of adolescent girls – by giving them room to talk, discuss, and grow while also being physically active and setting the goal of running the 5k at the end of the season.  We will need parent volunteers to help get this started.  There are so many things that parents can volunteer for to experience Middle School with their students. Please get involved with your student at Murray Middle School, it makes a difference for them.  

Q:  How can I be successful at Murray Middle School?

A:  Always be in the right place (literally and digitally) at the right time with the right people, doing the right thing!